Ventless Gel-Fueled Fireplaces

Ventless gel-fueled fireplaces are relatively inexpensive and easy to install. They operate on Alcohol Gel, which burns into water vapor, free of smoke, fumes, sparks and flying embers, and the gel is sold in pint canisters.

The only thing that you have to do on an ongoing basis is replace the cans of gel fuel when they are empty. Since these are ventless fireplaces there are no chimneys to clean and inspect regularly. A clean burning, alcohol gel creates the flames, so there are no fumes, and no soot, smoke or creosote clean up.

They do have a real flame that actually burns with pop & crackle sounds, similar to a real fire. A ventless gel fuel fireplace will give off some heat - up to 3,000 BTU's per canister. These decorative fireplaces are not designed to be heat sources, but they will take the chill out of the air in the room they are located. The fireplace can reach a temperature of about 160 degrees.

They are simple to use. Just open the cans of gel fuel, light and place them behind the fireplace logs. Many models will handle up to 3 cans at a time allowing you to control the size of the flame. Each can will of fuel burn from 2 - 3 hours or you can place the lid back on the can to extinguish the flame. They are 100% efficient since all the heat enters the room (no chimney). They are also zero clearance and can be placed near combustibles.

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Building Tip

"Do not use any wood on the exterior of the home. Wood is very high maintenance and will require painting every two to three years. There are many better alternatives."



"Living with nothing to hide, nothing to gain and nothing to lose is real freedom."
~ Ken Davis